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Zerolikes Couture

With cutting edge technology, zerolikes bridges the emotional gap on days when you're just not sure which institution to lay your disillusion: the persistent little head of patriarchy, government fueled racism, the toxic masculinity, the toxic femininity, toxic positivity, the global warming: drought, locusts, plastic islands, ocean fires, the mono-cropping: the fake meat vs the real meat, methane, general extinction, the pollution = unfettered capitalism, genocide + genocide (does not equal) less genocide, your own offspring, your own indifference, someone else's lack of indifference that triggers you rather than inspiring you to action, your body type (despite all the body positive thoughts), polyester, the barenaked ladies rapping, overstimulation: blue light, notifications, endlessly nourishing oneself with food rapidly declining in nutrients, digital surveillance or finally facing the reality that in your own hero's journey you are either stuck in a purgatory of the Supreme Ordeal stage or that the hero's elixir for defeating said supreme ordeal and bringing forth miraculous world transformation is simply sinking into unlaundered bedsheets to take messy hair selfies while simultaneously watching netflix and obsessively checking for likes to bolster a sense of identity.

Cover all the options with zerolikes and adroitly avert the decision making process.

Wicks away the moisture sometimes called tears of dismay and recycles debilitating lethargy and stifled rage into stylish armchair activism.

Comes in black or black.

Fatigues for the fatigued.


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